Parallel Importation of Books disappointment

This week Australian publishing was rocked by the recommendations of the Productivity Commission into Parallel Importation of books. The Australian said there'd be elegantly expressed outrage as authors and publishers as they talked about how importing books from overseas would seriously damage the local industry.
Several writers have spoken out about the report's findings including Sophie Cunningham, Shane Maloney and, previously, Tim Winton using his Miles Franklin acceptance speech to point out what this means even to mega-sucessful authors.
But what about eloquent voices for the Productivity Commission? In the interests of balance I've animated the report so you can hear the commission's own words (there will be no reading in the future obviously):

Want more of the commission's report? You can buy it in book form off the website for their $18 (possibly cheaper in Britain). It's good to see someone can still make money out of books.

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