Social media identity from scratch
By now, almost everyone seems to be on one social media platform
or another. But crafting an identity for your social media presence means
knowing who you are, where you need to be and what you need to say.
One of the big things about defining your identity is making
sure it can survive changes of personnel. “Hold up,” you say, “we’re a small
organisation and I don’t have time to define my identity. We’ve got a social
whiz who handles all of that.” But whizzes leave, the environment is ever-changing
(Twitter doubling its character count, for example) and having a strategic base
to your social strategy makes decision-making easier. Your identity should give
a clarity of purpose to guide you, no matter how big you get. In the rapid
response world of social media, an identity liberates your social media staff
to concentrate on great content.
So, to prepare your business for a strong identity and growth
in accounts, ask the basics: where, why and who?
Where should we be on social?
There’s a confusion of channels out there. Most experts will
push you towards Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter – but is that where
your audience is? Go exploring.
If people are sharing your product on Pinterest, start an
account and discover a niche community who will boost it for you. Fashion and
food get a lot of love on Instagram. If no-one is looking at your updates on
Facebook, pull back on it and invest more time in channels where your audience
is more engaged.
And here’s a secret most social media whizzes won’t tell you:
you don’t have to be on all the channels. Starting an account means committing
to supplying regular content and being able to monitor activity. The worst
thing you can do is over-stretch yourself and have content that is stale and
outdated, unmonitored or poorly rehashed from another channel. We’ve all seen
those Facebook posts that get re-published as incomplete tweets. It cheats one
audience for another and you are better to quit a channel rather than have bad
content on it. For a small organisation, it’s not realistic to be everywhere
all the time, so work out where your audience is and talk to them there.
When a new channel appears, you don’t need to jump straight
on it. You can set up a presence and do some light experimentation first. But
be aware of social media fatigue – that sense that there are too many channels
with too much information – which Gartner is reporting as
on the rise since 2011. By not leaping on the latest platform, you might even
be doing your audience a favour.
Why are we on social media?
As a business, social media is there for brand awareness,
event/story promotion and customer service – which can include complaints.
Just as your business has a voice on social media, so do
your customers. And they can get loud. The classic example is the British
Airways social media gaff from 2013, when the airline took eight hours to respond
to one disgruntled customer. His frustration with them continued to such an
extent that he created a paid promotion that
said “Don’t fly @britishairways. Their customer service is horrendous.” The
post garnered likes and retweets, but also released a flood of similar complaints in the comments. One of the
main issues was that the airline didn’t monitor their social accounts outside of office hours,
so they didn’t respond for a full eight hours. Customers expected to be able to
complain and get responses straight away, but the airline saw it differently.
Who are we on social media?
Posts are written by humans, so start by creating a
character for your accounts. When I worked at the Wheeler Centre, we decided
our Twitter account spoke like an English literature professor you had a crush
on. Smart but funny, daggy but never dumb. It was a guide for anyone who wrote
for the account. Creating a persona locates your brand on a spectrum that can
span from “Hey kids! It’s all new!” to “Please be informed of changes.”
From this basic persona, you can elaborate: what are words your
character would never use? What are the subjects you want to be known for? Does
your brand voice mean video is the best way to communicate? You can build this
out into a style guide or keep it as light as a character. You can try it on
for size and get a sense of your voice by by writing sample tweets to see how
you would deal with basic queries.
The best strategies can sustain change. Once you’ve answered
your Where, Why and Who, you can get an idea of your strategy and measure your progress,
assessing the value of social to your organisation and expanding within the
channels that work best for you – and your audience.