Audio and Video

Audio and podcasts

The ArtsHubbub

In 2020 ArtsHub launched its first ongoing podcast, The ArtsHubbub. Here's a sample of a few of the epsodes but you can fill your ears with the whole lot over at the Soundcloud page. 

Episode #2:Political activism in the arts - when do we want it? Now!

Episode #1: Where do ideas come from? With advice from Christos Tsiolkas, Shags, Chris Endry and Dr Maggie Webb

Digital Culture Series

This long running series at the National Library of Australia looks at how digital is changing the way we live.   

Public Shaming - Interview with Jon Ronson
Where the book went next
Social Media and the Public Sector panel
Fresh angles in online news

Other Audio


Making a podcast, Creative Victoria and ArtsHub

My Life in an Object with Nick Earls, National Museum of Australia for Canberra Writers Festival

My Life in an Object with George Megalogenis, National Museum of Australia for Canberra Writers Festival

My Life in an object with Karen Middleton, National Museum of Australia for Canberra Writers Festival

GoDigi Australia and digital literacy for seniors at Linked up, Loud and Literate: Libraries enabling digital citizenship at the National Library of New Zealand


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