Audio and Video
Audio and podcasts
The ArtsHubbub
In 2020 ArtsHub launched its first ongoing podcast, The ArtsHubbub. Here's a sample of a few of the epsodes but you can fill your ears with the whole lot over at the Soundcloud page.Episode #2:Political activism in the arts - when do we want it? Now!
Episode #1: Where do ideas come from? With advice from Christos Tsiolkas, Shags, Chris Endry and Dr Maggie Webb
Digital Culture Series
This long running series at the National Library of Australia looks at how digital is changing the way we live.
Other Audio
- The Big Trip: taking a gap year, Life Matters, ABC Radio
- A comic Great Gatsby, The Book Show, ABC Radio
- I Wouldn't Start From Here for Radio National's The Book Show
- The Elephanta Suite for Radio National's The Book Show
- A Bad Blooding for Cordite 32: Zombie 2.0
- A Summer Reading List: Read it and keep, ABC Canberra